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The Judiciary

The legal system of Morocco is based on a combination of canonical legal principles, including Muslim and Jewish traditions, and Civil Law traditions. The Moroccan Constitution guarantees the independence of the judiciary. The major codifications of the law include the Civil Code of 1957 ; the Code of Civil Procedure, which was most recently revised in 1993 ; the Commercial Code of 1996 ; the Penal Code, which was revised in 1994 ; the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1959; and the Code of Personal Status of 1957-58, which was most recently amended in 1993.

The administrative authority of the judiciary is vested in the Supreme Council of the Judiciary. The Council is composed of the Minister of Justice, the First President of the Supreme Court, the District Attorney of the King to the Supreme Court, and the President of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court. The Appeals Courts, Regional Courts, and Sadad Courts each elect two members to the Supreme Council. Judges are appointed by royal decree. Laws are published in the Bulletin Officiel.